
We  give thanks for our lives and everything that touches us in connection, support, and love. 

We honor our Creator in all its Divine forms and pray for continued guidance on choices that lead to the highest and best for all with ease.

We’re grateful to the sky for the sun, moon and rain and to the earth for sustaining us and all the people, plants, rocks, and animals.

We’re grateful to the Ascended Masters for being with us on our journey. 

We honor our ancestors, recent and distant, our parents, siblings, and all our relations. 

We offer respect to our elders and know they sometimes hold burdens and need support and healing. We love you just for being you and ask for patience, guidance, a gentle touch, and a ferocious love.

We also honor ancestors through the lineages of our teachers of body, mind, and spirit. We give thanks for our teachers, who are many and include the Relational Somatic Healing community, the Somatic Abolition community, and the ThetaHealing community. 

We feel thanks for the holistic community of John F. Kennedy University where we both came with dreams and love and left with purpose and more love.

We joyously practice with a rich spiritual community of overlapping faiths with central tenets of love. Thank you very much for any celebration of life, freedom, and loving connection.

We thank our neighbors for fostering community and extending heartfelt welcome.

We bow deeply to our clients for sharing their sacred journeys with us and for coming to be with us.

We thank the children of the world for their light and send good wishes to the youth of our world. We thank them for coming to be with us in this life.


Lawanda & Phoenix Jackson